They arrest the son of Venezuelan deputy William Barrientos linked to the theft of car catalytic converters in the US

They arrest the son of Venezuelan deputy William Barrientos linked to the theft of car catalytic converters in the US

son of William Barrientos arrested

This weekend, the FBI arrested the son of the Venezuelan opposition deputy William Barrientos, the young man is accused of card cloning, forgery of social securitysales of delivery accounts and for commanding a Band that steal catalysts of vehicles in the city of Kissimmee in Florida

The video, which has gone viral on social networks, shows a young man leaving a house, walking in shorts and with his hands raised, while FBI officials point at him and give him orders, until he surrenders to the authorities.

The person who uploaded this video to TikTok assures that it is the son of former Zulian deputy William Barriendo “What pride, because Venezuelans continue to give the example that Caracas gave. And the most shameful thing is the son of the UNT deputy, William Barrientos, they are accusing him of selling delivery accounts, stealing catalytic converters, and fraud with credit cards, Venezuelan and Zulian pride… Enough with these people to denounce them » I express the user @rafarogon.

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On the other hand, the website of the Osceola County Correctional Facility in Florida has as reported that they arrested Grisoris Aponte Andara the mother-in-law of William Ernesto Barrientos JR, on November 4 of this year.

Grisoris de Barrientos, wife of William Barrientos Jr and who owns a children’s event company in Orlando, wrote the following message on her Instagram stories: Do not believe anything you see on the networks. Any information is false. We’re good together. Att: Barrientos Family”.

At the time of making this note, the Venezuelan politician and former deputy William Barrientos has not yet ruled on the arrest of his son, it would have been confirmed by Elpitazo who consulted with relatives of the family.

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