A brave man enters a burning vehicle and moves it avoiding a catastrophe at a service station in Cercado de Lima, Peru. Man enters a burning vehicle in Cercado de […]
Do the aids change after the extension of the Moves III Plan?
The Plan Moves III Get a financial boost. Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, has been in charge of communicating that the Government will expand […]
Report from the Bank of Spain confirms that the MOVES Plan for electric cars does not work
Image courtesy of Motor.es – Electric car MOVES plan does not work in Spain Electric cars are not succeeding in Spain and there are several reasons for this situation. Strong […]
MG breathes power into its range of electric cars and will advance you the €7,000 of the MOVES Plan
The price of the electric car, the requirements that it demands for its buyers – such as having a recharging point and therefore a garage in which to install it […]